Testing Regular


Testing is an experimental display typeface

In this self-initiated project, I aimed to enhance my graphic design skills and explore typography by creating an experimental display typeface. Extensive research informed the design process, resulting in visually striking and unconventional letterforms. Using professional font design software, I transformed the typeface into a functional font with careful refinements and precise kerning. The absence of a specific brief allowed for creative exploration and the development of a distinct visual identity. This project served as a valuable opportunity

Tools Used:
Adobe Illustrator

Key Insights

Creating a functional typeface involves more than just the visual design. I learned about technical considerations such as defining the character set, assigning Unicode values, and properly hinting the typeface for digital platforms. Understanding these technical aspects ensures compatibility and usability across various platforms and applications. It was an iterative process that required constant refinement and testing. I gained insights into the importance of continuously evaluating and improving

Deep Dawda

Ankita D’Souza