Lane Shifters

Course, Website, Motion

Lane shifters is a program for industry professionals to shift to design

The focus was on designing a user-friendly website with appealing aesthetics, intuitive interactions, and engaging motion elements. The project included developing a streamlined application process to facilitate the career transition for users. The project showcased the ability to create visually pleasing websites that priorities usability and deliver a positive user experience. It was a meaningful contribution to the design community, offering practical support for professionals exploring new paths in their design careers.

Tools Used:
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
After Effects

Key Insights

Designing the website required a deep understanding of the target audience's needs, motivations, and pain points. Focusing on creating a user-centric experience by mapping out user journeys, providing clear and concise information, and addressing potential concerns. Incorporating motion and animation to add a layer of interactivity and delight for users. Recognizing the importance of prioritizing features and quickly pushing out an MVP.

Deep Dawda

Aman Vig

Sahej Chawla


Cyrus Britto