
Website, identity, content

Bridged is a content driven web platform

Collaborated with a team of UI/UX professionals to create a blog and content-driven website. Through extensive research and multiple iterations, we achieved a fresh and engaging website that combines 3D elements and typography. The blog section serves as a platform to share industry insights. This collaborative project highlighted the importance of effective communication and synergy. The website helped me explore my skills in UI/UX design, giving emphasis on the ability to deliver visually compelling and user-friendly digital experiences.

Tools Used:
Adobe Illustrator
After Effects

Key Insights

Insights into user experience (UX), website development, and creating an effective design system. Since this was my first UI/UX project, I learnt how to create intuitive navigation, user-friendly interfaces, and a seamless flow that guides visitors through the website. Collaborating with developers helped understand development constraints and opportunities. Designing the website also involved structuring content and creating a logical flow along with creating a design system for cohesiveness.  Integrating 3D graphics to enhance the aesthetics and user engagement, to give it a fresh look.

Deep Dawda

Aman Vig

Sanjana Kalra

Krati Khandelwal

Kavita Tewari

Pravin Singh

Cyrus Britto